====== Charles University and Czech Academy of Sciences resources ====== ---- ===== Charles University ===== {{:public:pasted:20210322-112324.png?400x84}} ==== General info ==== CUNI uses Single Sign-on (SSO) mechanism for users authentication and authorisation. This feature unifies authentication of users into all the provided services (internal and external) Users are identified by their login ID in the format **personal_number@cuni.cz** (for example 45444544@cuni.cz) For password ask [[https://cuni.cz/UKEN-1459-version1-cas_en.pdf|Card Service Center]] ==== Links ==== Charles University Authentication Service (CAS) - [[https://ldapuser.cuni.cz/|https://ldapuser.cuni.cz/]] Web Applications / Webové aplikace Univerzity Karlovy - [[https://is.cuni.cz/webapps|https://is.cuni.cz/webapps]] Records Management / Spisová služba - [[https://essuk.is.cuni.cz/|https://essuk.is.cuni.cz/]] Research Data Management / Management výzkumných dat - [[https://openscience.cuni.cz/OSCI-61.html/|https://openscience.cuni.cz/OSCI-61.html]] ===== Office365 / CUNI Sharepoint ===== In order to access CUNI sharepoint, you need to log in with CUNI credentials via Office365. - [[https://login.microsoftonline.com/|https://login.microsoftonline.com/]] Here are detailed instructions in Czech language. [[https://cuni.cz/UK-8434-version1-navod_na_prihlaseni_do_office_365_unor_2020.pdf|https://cuni.cz/UK-8434-version1-navod_na_prihlaseni_do_office_365_unor_2020.pdf]] ---- ---- ===== Czech Academy of Sciences ===== {{:public:pasted:20210322-112111.png}} ==== Intranet (internal web) access ==== Internal pages **[[http://interni.avcr.cz/|http://interni.avcr.cz/]]** are accessible ONLY from the selected academic networks. It is not allowed to access pages directly from internet. __**How to connect to CAS internal pages from outside**__ **Goal:** connect from the computer which has IP address from the allowed IP range. {{:public:pasted:20200320-222608.png?32x32}} **Remote Desktop Connection** application can be find in Windows by typing '**remote**' in Search dialog (in Start menu) or just by runing program **mstsc.exe** **Option 1 - via your office PC**: connect remotely to your office computer via Remote Desktop (RDP) and then connect to the CAS internal pages from the office computer. {{:public:pasted:20200323-135557.png}} * get DNS (computer) name of your computer (if not sure, ask IT about it, or see [[https://support.office.com/en-ie/article/do-you-need-help-locating-your-computer-name-00384381-8aa9-4398-b81b-475f09fed618|this page]]) * ask IT via **helpdesk@cerge-ei.cz** to enable remote connection to your computer * **turn on your computer** permanently and assure yourself that the **sleep mode is disables** (see this [[https://www.itechtics.com/tools-prevent-windows-10-sleeping/|howto]]) * **connect via RDP** from your private computer (see [[:public:remote_desktop|instructions ]]if not sure how to connect) **Option 2 - via Heavyhorse**: if you do not have office computer but you have an institutuonal notebook, you may connect by AnyConnect VPN and then to [[:public:heavy_horse#heavyhorse1|Heavyhorse1 workstation]] via RDP. {{:public:pasted:20200323-135745.png}} * be sure you have access to the internet * connect via VPN (Cisco AnyConnect) or via RDP (see instructions [[:public:remote_desktop:rdgateway|how to connect from the internet]]) * RDP host to connect to is: **heavyhorse1.ad.cerge-ei.cz** * log in with your network (Active Directory) username and password **Finaly:** * open web browser at the remotely connected computer (either your PC or heavyhorse1) * go to the web page **[[http://interni.avcr.cz/|http://interni.avcr.cz/]]**- it should be accessible now… Important! **Do not forget do logout from Heavyhorse after you finish your work**. If you just close RDP window, your session remains active and blocks resources from other users.